Styrelseledamot Mattias Pettersson köper aktier

June 22, 2023



Bellpal Holding AB:s styrelseledamot, Mattias Pettersson, har den 22 juni köpt 200 000 aktier genom marknaden i bolaget. Aktierna köptes till kursen 0,81 kronor per aktie. Köpesumman uppgår till 162 000 kronor.

Det framgår av Finansinspektionens insynsregister.

About BellPal

BellPal is a caretech company that combines digital services with medical expertise to develop products, services and digital solutions primarily for seniors and care. The main area of ​​the business is a comprehensive platform that links the user with relatives and the alarm center. BellPal has a SaaS-based business model for its platform and charges end users a monthly subscription fee for using the service.


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